Papan Ketik

Papan Ketik

Papan Ketik is an information technology and services company, especially engaged in data processing and linguistics.

We handle linguistic element on

Smart Device

Our Services

We Papan Ketik provide a support service for the linguistic part of big data and media industry, bringing an immersive experience to user worldwide

Why Papan Ketik

Digital Culture

We are millennials and are bonded to live in digital world. exclusively focused on linguistic and cultural element on the movie, gaming, and big data industry. future technology are coming and language is what you need to connect with them.

Global Partners

Our team are located all over the world, no less than 300 people so far have cooperated to complete many projects in these 3 years.

Real Talents

We let competent person to join us regardless of their title, gender, believes, etc. our recruitment system also welcome freshmen and newcomers to our training base so they could sharpened their skills set.

Language Coverage

We work with various minor language as well as major language. We’re your best choice data supplier mainly for South East Asian market.


We’re fair at make a deal, we provide high quality, high speed, and good price for every project deals we made. you may choose 2 of 3 before we take the deal.